Surface Ocean

Surface Ocean die for Carbon cycle game

Atmosphere: you are dissolved carbon and are release into atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

Dados en esta categoría

Resistencia [Espiritual] (Basic - Healer) →

Es el dado básico usado por el sanador para resistir daño espiritual o efectos que afecten al espíritu.

Myers Briggs Die →

Discover your personality! Legend: I: Introvert; E: Extrovert; N: Intuitive; S: Sensor; F: Feeler; T: Thinker; J: Judger; P: Perceiver

Masturbation Add-On →

look man just........


  • Ocean plants: you are carbon dioxide taken up by the plant for photosynthesis
  • Surface Ocean: you are dissolved carbon in water. Roll again.
  • Atmosphere: you are dissolved carbon and are release into atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
  • Ocean plants: you are carbon dioxide taken up by the plant for photosynthesis
  • Atmosphere: you are dissolved carbon and are release into atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
  • Atmosphere: you are dissolved carbon and are release into atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

Dado personalizado

Qr Code qr_carbon-cycle-surface-ocean.png for this dice

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