C1 Discussion Dice - 1

To inspire and facilitate conversation for Advanced students.

Should the media show graphic violence? Why or why not?

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  • How involved should governments be in individuals' lives?
  • Are criminals ever NOT responisible for the crimes they commit?
  • What responsibilities do university students have? How about children and adults?
  • Who is responsible for retired people's welfare? Themselves, their family or the government?
  • At what age do you think someone becomes responsible for his or her actions?
  • How much responsibility should individuals have for protecting the environment?
  • Who has more responsibility for the environment, companies or individuals?
  • Who is responsible for taking care of the poor?
  • Where do most people in your country get their news?
  • How has the internet changed news?
  • How does the media help create a healthy society?
  • Should the media just report the facts or should the media interpret the facts?
  • Can you think of a politician who used the media in a successful way? How about a politician that was destroyed by the media?
  • Should the media show graphic violence? Why or why not?

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