B2 Speaking Questions

Speaking questions for B2 candidates (EOI)

MONEY: If you were to win so much money, would you give up working? What would you spend your time doing?

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  • MONEY: We are often told that "you can't buy happiness". Imagine you had been born in a wealthy family and how different your childhood would had been.
  • MONEY: If you were to win so much money, would you give up working? What would you spend your time doing?
  • TRAVEL: What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone or in a group?
  • TRAVEL: How many ways of travelling around the world can you think of? Which would be the most relaxing? Which would you prefer?
  • TRAVEL: What are the advantages and disadvantages of living permanently in another country?
  • HOLIDAYS: What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a holiday with everything organised for you compared with a holiday which you make your own choices?
  • HOLIDAYS: What is the most memorable holiday you had when you were a child?
  • PERSONAL IMAGE: What do you think of the idea of having plastic surgery to improve your looks? What should be the minimum age at which people can choose cosmetic surgery?
  • TECHNOLOGY: How would your life change if all your technological devices were taken away for a week?
  • TECHNOLOGY: Do you think mobile phones should be banned from classes? Why?
  • TECHNOLOGY: Consider these features in you mobile phone and rate them as very useful, somewhat useful and not particularly useful, tell us why: camera, calendar, GPS, radio, MP3 player, calculator, alarm clock, gallery of photos, schedule planner.
  • THE MEDIA: Does the media have the moral right to report on the private lives of film stars and pop stars? Do you think that the private lives of these people are really news?
  • FAMILY: Decide what the three most important qualities of an ideal parent are and give your reasons.
  • FAMILY: How different would your life be if you had been born in another type of family?
  • FOOD AND DIET: Do you think that a vegetarian diet could be healthy? In what ways do you think it might be good and in what ways bad?
  • FOOD AND DIET: What do you think about the suggestion that advertising (or sale) of junk food to children should be restricted?
  • STUDY: What do you think of the idea of boys-only or girls-only schools?
  • STUDY: Students learn best by finding solutions to problems on their own. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
  • SHOPPING: What are your feelings about shopping? Is it a pleasure or a torture? Do you think that men and women have different feelings about shopping?
  • SHOPPING: Do you have different feelings about shopping for clothes, shoes, electronic gadgets and food?
  • SHOPPING: Have you ever bought something and then never really used it? What was it and why didn't you use it? Why do you think you bought it?
  • PERSONAL IMAGE: Do you have any tattoos? If so, tell us how/why you got them. Was it painful? If not, would you ever consider getting a tattoo? Why/why not?

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