B1Speaking Questions

Speaking questions for B1 (EOI Certificate)

FOOD AND DIET: Do you like fast food? Why? What’s your favourite fast food restaurant? How often do you go? Is it expensive?

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You will get a theme you must speak about for one minute. You can pass once. Do not hesitate. Do not deviate. Do not repeat yourself If you do, any opponent can take your turn and you lose a point


  • MONEY: What would you do if you had €1000 to spend in a weekend?
  • MONEY: What do you think about parents giving weekly allowances to their children?
  • MONEY: Do you think money is the most important thing in life? Why? Why not?
  • TRAVEL: Where would you travel if you had €4000? Why? Who with? What would you do there?
  • TRAVEL: Have you ever travelled to another island? Country? Would like to? Why? Why not?
  • TRAVEL: Would you like to travel somewhere with your parents? Why? Why not?
  • HOLIDAYS: What are you going to do in your next holidays?
  • HOLIDAYS: If you could invite someone to a dream holiday, who would you invite? Why? What kind of places would you visit? What activities would you do?
  • HOLIDAYS: Would you recommend me any particular place to go on holiday? Which one? Why? Have you been there? How many times? For how long?
  • PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: What's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you? Where? Who was there? What happened? How did it all end?
  • PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Have you ever practised any team sport? Would you like to? Why? Why not?
  • PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: What is your favourite place and why? What do you normally do there? When do you go there? Who with?
  • TECHNOLOGY: Do you use social networks? Why? Why not? What do you think of people who have thousands of friends in Facebook, for instance?
  • TECHNOLOGY: What do you think of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Tuenti, etc.?
  • SHOPPING: What’s the best place to go shopping, in your opinion? Why? What kind of things can you find there?
  • ENTERTAINMENT: What type of TV shows or movies do you like to watch? Why? Have you got any favourite? What do you like about it?
  • ENTERTAINMENT: If you could meet a famous person, who would you like to meet and where?
  • ENTERTAINMENT: Would you like to be a celebrity? Why? Why not?
  • FAMILY: Would you like to have a big family when you became an adult? Why? Why not?
  • STUDY: What would you like to study in the future? Why?
  • FAMILY:Who is more important to you? Your family or your friends? Why?
  • FOOD AND DIET: Do you like fast food? Why? What’s your favourite fast food restaurant? How often do you go? Is it expensive?
  • FOOD AND DIET: Do you think our taste for food changes over time?
  • FOOD AND DIET: Did you have a favourite dish when you were a little kid? Is it still the same?
  • SHOPPING: What are the pros and cons of buying things online?

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