
Roll the dice and use the resources to create and argument about a given topic

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  • Unfortunately
  • According to
  • Hopefully
  • Personally
  • Obviously
  • Interestingly
  • Undoubtedly
  • Theoretically
  • Yes, perhaps but
  • In my view
  • I'm under the impression that
  • As far as I am concerned
  • From my perspective
  • In fact
  • Without a doubt
  • To my mind
  • I see your point, but
  • I guess that
  • I see what you are getting at, but
  • Well, I see things rather differently
  • I see what you mean, but
  • I think otherwise
  • Well, I don't quite agree with
  • I suppose that
  • I completely disagree
  • No, I'm not sure about that because

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