Word Building

Each roll you have to build a new word

t r ee (4)

Dice in this category

Stem-changing Verb →

A common list of regular stem-changing verbs

Universidad Rafael Landívar →

Universidad Rafael Universidad Rafael Landívar

geometric shapes →

For educational purpuses


  • ch o p (1)
  • ch i ck (1)
  • ch i n (2)
  • b u zz (4)
  • l i ck (3)
  • sh o t (2)
  • z a p (4)
  • z i p (5)
  • f u zz (5)
  • qu ee n (3)
  • sh i p (6)
  • t r ee (4)

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Qr Code qr_word-building.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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