Trust Builder Questions

Teambuilding for kids

Tell about a significant journey you have been on.

Dice in this category

Personajes del cuento de Terror →

Para contar historias de Terror y describir que hace el personaje principal.

Orange Team →

Parade of Trades - Orange Team

Gross Motor Movements →

Gross Motor Movements for use during OT


  • What's something that makes you smile?
  • What's a super power you would like to have?
  • What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
  • What's something you're proud of?
  • When is a time you helped a friend?
  • What is something at school you would like to change?
  • Tell a story about when you surprised yourself.
  • Talk about your favorite hobby.
  • Talk about a time when you made a mistake.
  • Talk about something you're grateful for.
  • Tell something about your cultural heritage that makes you proud.
  • Say something you don't understand about adults.
  • Tell about something that made you laugh.
  • Talk about a time you have doubted yourself.
  • Describe a favorite food.
  • Tell about a significant journey you have been on.

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