
Make sentences on the topic using the grammar that is given

will / hobbies

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  • Present Simple /relationships (friends, family…)
  • Present Simple / work
  • be going to / hobbies
  • Present Simple / home
  • Present Simple / lifestyle
  • will / food
  • Present Continuous / food
  • Present Continuous / lifestyle
  • Present Continuous / relationships
  • Present Continuous / hobbies
  • Present Continuous / home
  • will / work
  • Past Simple / work
  • Past Simple / home
  • Past Simple / lifestyle
  • Past Simple / relationships
  • Past Simple / food
  • will / hobbies
  • Present Perfect / hobbies
  • Present Perfect / food
  • Present Perfect / relationships
  • will / home
  • Present Perfect / work
  • Present Perfect / lifestyle
  • be going to / food
  • be going to / work
  • be going to / home
  • be going to / relationships

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