Shi Huangdi

A dice with critical information about the First Emperor of ancient China - Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi.

Name: Shi Huang Di; Time Period: 259-210 BCE; Place: Xianyang, China

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  • Name: Shi Huang Di; Time Period: 259-210 BCE; Place: Xianyang, China
  • Obstacles: Overcoming fears of attacks and the mistrust of his advisors.
  • Personal Background: He was an emperor and a powerful ruler. He built a new capital city at a Xianyang in Eastern China.
  • Important Accomplishment: Shi Huangdi is best known for creating the army of Terra Cotta Soldiers to protect him in his tomb.
  • Personality Traits: He didn't trust people. Several attempts were made on his life and the emperor lived in fear of more attacks. He was constantly seeking new ways to protect himself and extend his life.
  • Significance: He was one of the most powerful rulers in Chinese history. He was the first ruler to unify China and is remembered for his building programs. He built roads, bridges and the Great Wall of China.

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