Roll A

This dice provides different claims for students to generate claims that provide reasons for or against (counter-arguments) them.


Dice in this category

l'Impératif, F3 →

Roule le dé, et donne un ordre avec les mots indiqués.

operator: time stamps →

time stamps for practising English

Numeración →

Para trabajar numeración con mi alumnos.


  • Zoos
  • Recess
  • Self-driving vehicles
  • Reality TV
  • Dodge Ball
  • Homework
  • Football
  • Smart Phones
  • Gym class
  • holiday decorations
  • pets

Create custom dice

Qr Code qr_roll-a-claim.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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