Poetry Dice

This is a dice that asks students questions related to figurative language and elements of poetry.

Who is the author of the poem?

Dice in this category

l'heure 2 (avec les expressions utiles) →

En groupe, chaque élève va rouler le dé. L'élève avec le moment le plus tard de la semaine va marquer un point. Utilise les expressions suivantes quand tu dis l'heure : et quart, et demie, moins le quart, moins vingt, moins dix, ou moins cinq

Paste →

vreau sa il folosesc pentru a crea o povestire depre paste.

Chu 1 Basic Questions →

ESL game for elementary and junior high students


  • How many lines are in the poem?
  • How many stanzas are in the poem?
  • What is the meter of the first four lines of the poem?
  • If there is a rhyme scheme, what is it?
  • Is there repetition in the poem? What example(s) are there in the poem?
  • What is the theme of the poem?
  • What is the mood of the poem?
  • What is the title of the poem?
  • Who is the author of the poem?
  • Does the poem have any examples of onomatopoeia? What are some of the examples of onomatopoeia?
  • Does the poem have any examples of hyperbole? What are some of the examples of hyperbole?
  • Does the poem have any examples of onomatopoeia? What are some of the examples of onomatopoeia?
  • Does the poem have any examples of alliteration? What are some of the examples of alliteration?
  • Does the poem have any examples of personification? What are some of the examples of personification?
  • Does the poem have any examples of an idiom? What are some of the examples of an idiom?
  • Does the poem have any examples of simile? What are some of the examples of simile?
  • Does the poem have any examples of metaphor? What are some of the examples of metaphor?

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Qr Code qr_poetry-dice.png for this dice

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