Pkmn Types

This is to determine what type your pokemon will be


Dice in this category

Random Event for My BoardGame →

Random Event in my Game Adventure

Sky →

To test for after school dnd

Dado de Ataque Magico →

Dado De Ataque Magico


  • ghost
  • ice
  • dark
  • poison
  • water
  • grass
  • fire
  • flying
  • electric
  • fairy
  • bug
  • steel
  • normal
  • dragon
  • fighting
  • psychic
  • rock
  • ground
  • Nova

Create custom dice

Qr Code qr_pkmn-types.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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