Physical Regions Prompt Dice

Prompt for important information in a reading

What are the major industries found in the physical region?

Dice in this category

verbos →

Lista de verbos regulares en español para ELE

Plenary Dice →

Use this dice at the end of a teaching session to encourage students to think about their learning.

Let's talk-Music →

Speak about each question shown by the dice.


  • Where is the physical region found?
  • What is the climate like in the physical region?
  • What are some of the natural resources found in the physical region?
  • What are the major physical features of the physical region?
  • What are the major industries found in the physical region?
  • How does the climate and natural resources found in the physical region impact the industries that develop here?

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Qr Code qr_physical-regions-prompt-dice.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
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