Hot Seat

Turn around and guess the word


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  • Doctor
  • Trees
  • Happy
  • Patience
  • Time
  • Classroom
  • Game
  • Books
  • ice-cream
  • fruit
  • hungry
  • angry
  • New Year
  • Tiger
  • Exam
  • homework
  • map
  • swim
  • fun
  • boring
  • computer
  • television
  • holiday
  • Season
  • sports
  • sad
  • sick
  • animal
  • tired
  • Ocean Park
  • Parents
  • teacher
  • fight
  • library
  • desk
  • family
  • park
  • Dictation
  • Birthday
  • study
  • revision
  • exciting
  • eat
  • movie
  • hiking
  • noodles
  • breakfast
  • money
  • clothes
  • cups
  • bags
  • bed
  • walls
  • rockets
  • jump
  • forget
  • few
  • new
  • win
  • piano
  • music
  • PE
  • rainbow
  • numbers
  • coffee
  • cola
  • chips
  • water
  • vegetables
  • cats
  • hamsters
  • sky
  • storm
  • sunny
  • blackboard
  • chocolate

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Qr Code qr_hot-seat.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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