Gues Who

A game with different actors and actresses from different countris in it. Students have to roll the dice and ask the questions to find out what actor or actress another student is holding on.

What nationality is he/she?

Dice in this category

Crea tu historia escenarios →

Crear una historia con los elementos que el dado señale


Has de llançar els daus i amb les paraules que tens has de crear la teua història. Has de tirar una vegada cada dau. No pots elegir la paraula. Molta sort!


El dado servirá para que los niños identifiquen e imiten los animales típicos de cada región del Ecuador.


  • Where is she/he from?
  • What nationality is he/she?
  • Is it a male or female?
  • How old is he/she?
  • When is her/his birthday?
  • Is her/his full name...?
  • Is her/his first name...?
  • Is her/his last name...?

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Qr Code qr_gues-who.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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