Conversation Maker

This dice will be used to help students with social skills needs begin conversations with others. It will have conversation starters

Top 3 favorite activities or hobbies

Dice in this category

Dice for Number Before Game →

This dice is for the number before game for 1st grade. They roll a tens number and determine what comes before it.

Juego # Binarios →

al lazar el dado el estudiante debe adivinar el mensaje secreto

Parade of Trades - Blue →

Parade of Trades learning simulation - Blue dice


  • Play soccer or create art
  • Top 3 favorite activities or hobbies
  • My favorite food is...
  • I want to be.....
  • I hope...
  • I love....
  • I don't like....
  • Who is in your family?
  • One word that describes me.
  • Top 3 TV Shows
  • Something about me that is unique....
  • Something about me that is silly
  • Something about me that is kind

Create custom dice

Qr Code qr_conversation-maker.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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