Call To Adventure

Used in Roll Your Own Hero's Journey game.

A trip with family or friends.

Dice in this category

Money Dice →

This dice will be used for a math money game in a year 2 class

De Industriële samenleving →

Reflectie over de februari toetsweek

Probabilidad Frecuencial →

Para una clase en secundaria. Tema: Probabilidad Frecuencial


  • Family member goes missing or is taken.
  • A strange calls for help.
  • Discovers a weird place.
  • A threat looms.
  • An individual endangers a haven or safe place.
  • A trip with family or friends.

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Qr Code qr_call-to-adventure.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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