1st Conditional - Verbs

KNN online class, 1st Conditional, Verbs

to learn

Dice in this category

L-R-C →

A classroom activity where students move left, right, or center at their tables.

binary anion →

anions from the periodic table only

Cation →

Positive ions in compound


  • to have
  • to purchase
  • to call
  • to study
  • to learn
  • to survive
  • to abide by
  • to spend
  • to break
  • to become
  • to get
  • to apologize
  • to expect
  • to cut out

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Qr Code qr_1st-conditional-verbs.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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