Level B Post Reading Comprehension

Level B Post Reading Comprehension

Critiquing: What did you think of the book? Does it have a good beginning, ending? Are the characters interesting?

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  • Summarising: What happened in the story?
  • Making Connections: Does something in this book remind you of something in your life?
  • Making Connections: What connections can you make between this book and another book about _______?
  • Making Connections: Have you ever read another book that has this same character in it? The same setting?
  • Synthesizing: What do you notice in this book that you did not know before? In this picture?
  • Inferring: How does the character feel in this story? How do you know?
  • Inferring: What is the problem in the story? How do you know?
  • Analyzing: What is the beginning of the story? The ending?
  • Analyzing: Why is the title a good one for the book?
  • Analyzing: How are the ideas in the book related to each other?
  • Critiquing: What did you think of the book? Does it have a good beginning, ending? Are the characters interesting?
  • Critiquing: Which picture do you think was a good one in the story? Why?

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