Level B During Reading Comprehension

Level B During Reading Comprehension

Predicting: What do you think will happen at the end of the story?

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Situación o condiciones →

para crear una historia

Taff Fraction 1 →

To help find equivalent fractions.

Status Quo →

Used in Roll Your Own Hero's Journey game


  • Predicting: What words do you expect to come on the next page?
  • Predicting: What do you think is going to happen next by looking at the pictures?
  • Predicting: What do you think will happen at the end of the story?
  • Predicting: What do you think is going to happen next in the story based on what you already know? The pattern in the story?
  • Using Information: What is happening in this picture? On this page?
  • Summarising: What is happening in the story?

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