Fiction Roll And Retell

Retell fiction chapter or book

5. connect this story or chapter to another text

Dice in this category

operator: question mark →

Question mark to be used as operator

Make a train 2 →

First grade creating patterns using color cubes

Dé A à F →

Un dé avec les lettres de A jusqu'à F


  • 1. what is the story or chapter mostly about
  • 2. describe the main character
  • 3.what is the setting of the story or chapter?
  • 4. what challenge does the main character face?
  • 5. connect this story or chapter to another text

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Qr Code qr_fiction-roll-and-retell.png for this dice

Qr Code of this dice. Put it on your web, printed on your game or on a sticker.
> Download .png

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